坪木 和久 業績リスト
* 2011年3月30日現在
国際学会発表・国際シンポジウム講演 (発表年の逆順)
Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Atsushi Sakakibara, Masahiro Watanabe, Taro Shinoda, and Mayumi Yoshioka, 2010:
Quantitative Prediction of Typhoon Precipitation Using the Tiling Domain Technique of Cloud-Resolving Model.
First International Workshop on Nonhydrostatic Numerical models,
29 Sept.-1 Nov. 2010
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2010:
Current Status of Cloud-Resolving Model for Simulations of High-Impact Weather Systems.
The 16th CEReS International Symposium on Remote Sensing,
21-23 October 2010
Yugafu Inn, Nago, Okinawa, Japan.
Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Atsushi Sakakibara, 2009:
Numerical simulation of tornado-scale vortices occurred in a winter cold-air outbreak over the Sea of Japan.
5th European Conference on Severe Storms,
12 - 16 October 2009, Landshut, Germany.
Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2009:
High-resolution simulation of typhoon using a cloud-resolving model.
International Workshop on Advancement of Typhoon Track Forecast Technique,
30 November - 2 December 2009, The Nippon Foundation Building, Tokyo, Japan.
Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2009:
High-resolution simulation of typhoons using the cloud resolving model.
International Symposium on Radar and Modeling Studies of the Atmosphere,
10-13 November 2009, Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Kyoto, Japan.
Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2009:
Prediction experiments of high-impact weather systems using the cloud-resolving model.
2009 International Conference on Extraordinary Serious Typhoon and Flood Disaster Prevention,
28 October 2009, Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. Proceedings 18-25.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2008:
Tiling Domain Technique of the Cloud-Resolving Model and its Application to a High-Resolution Simulation of Typhoons.
[Abstract Doc:23kB]
[Program PDF:26kB]
Third Workshop on High-resolution and Cloud Modeling
Tropical Cyclones and Climate,
December 2-4, 2008, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2008:
Simulation experiments of typhoons and tornadoes using the cloud resolving model.
[Abstract Doc:28kB]
[Program PDF:32kB]
The First International Workshop on
Prevention and Mitigation of Meteorological Disasters in Southeast Asia,
Palace Side Hotel, Kyoto, Japan, 3-5 March 2008.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Taro Shinoda, Mitsuharu Nomura, and Masaya Kato, 2008:
Numerical Simulations of Heavy Rainfall Events in Malaysia in 2006/2007
Using the Cloud Resolving Model.
[Abstract Doc:486kB]
[Program PDF:144kB]
International Seminar on Climate Variability, Change and Extreme Weather Events,
Danau Golf Club, UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN Malaysia, 26-27 February 2008.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2008:
Numerical simulation of supercells and tornadoes using the cloud-resolving model.
[Abstract Doc:27kB]
[Agenda PDF:95kB]
International Workshop on the Hazardous Winds Associated with Severe Storms,
Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo, Japan, 9-11 January 2008.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2007:
Simulation Experiments of Supercells and Tatsumaki along
Typhoon Rainbands.
[Proceeding PDF:603kB]
Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon in East Asia (ICMCS-VI),
20-26, Taipei, Taiwan, 6-9 November 2007
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2007:
The Cloud-Resolving Model for Numerical Simulations of High-Impact Weather Systems.
[Abstract PDF:25kB]
The 9th International workshop on Next Generation Climate Models for Advanced High Performance Computing Facilities,
The 4th Workshop of "Kyosei" project,,
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 1-3 March 2007
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2006:
The formation Process of heavy rainfall
caused by the Typhoon T0423 in the mid-latitude.
[Abstract PDF:87kB]
Third Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting , Singapore, 10-14 July 2006.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2006:
Numerical simulations of clouds and
storms using the cloud-resolving model.
[Abstract PDF:12kB]
[Tenki Report PDF:12kB]
International workshop on
regional models for the prediction of tropical weather and climate
, 1-3 March 2006, ITB Bandung, Indonesia.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2005:
High-resolution simulation experiments
of typhoons using the cloud-resolving model on the Earth Simulator.
JSPS International Meeting Series, Workshop on high resolution
atmpsopheric simulations and cooperative output data analysis. ,
Yokohama, Japan, 21-22, 2005
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Atsushi Sakakibara, 2005:
Simulations of Typhoons Using the Cloud-Resolving Model, Second Asia
Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting , Singapore, 2005.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Atsushi Sakakibara, 2005:
numerical experiments of typhoon using the cloud-resolving model on the
Earth Simulator. The 7th International workshop on Next Generation
Climate Models for Advanced High Performance Computing Facilities, the
Second Workshop of "Kyosei" project. Sheraton Keauhou Bay Resort &
Spa, Big Island, Hawaii 24-26 February 2005.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Numerical experiment of localized heavy rain using
a cloud resolving model. International Conference on Mesoscale
Convective Systems and Heavy Rainfall in East Asia 16-19
November 2004, Beijing, China.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, High-resolution modeling of multi-scale cloud and
precipitation systems using a cloud-resolving model on the Earth
Simulator. 2004 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting 16-20
August 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- Atsushi Sakakibara and Kazuhisa Tsuboki:
2004 Numerical study
on snow cloud streets in cold air stream over the sea using the Cloud
Resolving Storm Simulator. The 14th Int. Conf. on Clouds and
Precipitation , 19-23 July 2004, Bologna, Italy.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Takeshi Maesaka, Miki Hattori, Mitsuharu Nomura,
Taro Shinoda, and Hiroshi Uyeda:
2004 Structure of heavy rainfall
systems associated with a mesoscale low along the Baiu front. The
14th Int. Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation , 19-23 July 2004,
Bologna, Italy.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, High-resolution modeling of localized heavy rain
associated with mesoscale convective systems during the Baiu season.
Joint 1st AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) Annual Meeting and 2nd
APHW Conference , 5-9 July 2004, Singapore.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2004:
Numerical experiments of heavy rain
using the Cloud Resolving Storm Simulator. Proc. of the
International Conference on High-Impact Weather and Climate (ICHWC),
Weather and Climate, Understanding, Prediction and Socio-Economic
Consequences , 22-24 March 2004, Seoul, Korea.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Atsushi Sakakibara and Mitsuharu Nomura, 2004:
High Resolution Prediction Experiment Using the Cloud Resolving Storm
Simulator. The 6th International workshop on Next Generation Climate
Models for Advanced High Performance Computing Facilities, the First
Workshop of "Kyosei" project. Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu,
Hawaii 25-27 February 2004.
- Hattori, M. and K. Tsuboki, 2003:
Seasonal change of the
moisture transport toward east Asia and the western Pacific region
during the Asian summer monsoon. XXIII Genaral Assembly of IUGG, MC03
Dynamics and Variability of Monsoon Systems (ICDM)
- Shimizu, S., H. Uyeda, K. Tsuboki, T. Shinoda, Y. Takaya, T. Kato,
M. Yoshizaki, H. Yamada and Biao Geng, 2003:
Characteristics of
environment determining lifetime of convective cells within mesoscale
convective system in humid subtropical region. XXIII Genaral Assembly
of IUGG, JSM14 Dynamics and Predictability of Severe Weather Events
- Kanada, S., K. Tsuboki and H. Minda, 2003:
Heavy rainfall
produced by a long-lived line-shaped precipitating convective-cloud
system. XXIII Genaral Assembly of IUGG, JSM14 Dynamics and
Predictability of Severe Weather Events (IAMAS [ICDM, ICCP, IAHS)
- Sano, T., K. Tsuboki and I. Tamagawa, 2003:
Structure of
cumulonimbus clouds developed over the slope of mountain in summer.
XXIII Genaral Assembly of IUGG, JSM14 Dynamics and Predictability of
Severe Weather Events (IAMAS [ICDM, ICCP, IAHS)
- Nomura, M., K. Tsuboki, A. Sakakibara and T. Shinoda, 2003:
Simulation experiment of typhoon spiral bands by the cloud resolving
storm simulator. XXIII Genaral Assembly of IUGG, JSM14 Dynamics and
Predictability of Severe Weather Events (IAMAS [ICDM, ICCP, IAHS)
- Jai ho Oh, Jeong-Hui Kim, Tae-Hun Kim and K. Tsuboki, 2003:
Numerical simulation of Kangnung heavy rainfall event occurred by LUSA
during Aug. 30-31, 2002 with CReSS. XXIII Genaral Assembly of IUGG,
JSM14 Dynamics and Predictability of Severe Weather Events (IAMAS [ICDM,
- Liu, A., G. W. K. Moore and K. Tsuboki, 2003:
A numerical study
of convective roll clouds associated with high latitude cold air
outbreaks. International Workshop on Polar Lows and High Latitude Marine
Weather Systems. 1 July 2003, Sapporo, Japan.
- Tsuboki, K and A. Sakakibara, 2003:
Simulation experiment of
tornado associated with supercell using the cloud resolving storm
simulator. XXIII Genaral Assembly of IUGG, JSM14 Dynamics and
Predictability of Severe Weather Events (IAMAS [ICDM, ICCP, IAHS)
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Atsushi Sakakibara and Mitsuharu Nomura, 2003:
High Resolution Prediction Experiment Using the Cloud Resolving Storm
Simulator. The 5th International Workshop on Next Generation Climate
Models for Advanced High Performance Computing Facilities. March
3-5, 2003. Rome, Italy.
- Mitsuharu Nomura, Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Taro Shinoda, 2002:
Effects of the Cold Rain Processes on the Formation of Typhoon Spiral
Bands. International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and
Heavy Rainfall/Snowfall in East Asia October 29-31, 2002. Tokyo,
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Atsushi Sakakibara, 2002:
parallel computing of Cloud Resolving Storm Simulator. 4th
International Symposium, ISHPC 2002. May 15-17, 2002, Kansai
Science City, Japan.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Atsushi Sakakibara, 2002:
Parallel Computing of Cloud Resolving Storm Simulator. The 4th
International Workshop on Next Generation Climate Models for Advanced
High Performance Computing Facilities. March 12-14, 2002, Boulder,
Colorado, USA.
- Akira Kawabata and Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2001:
Effect of land
surface variation on precipitation over Asian Monsoon Region. The
Third GAME-HUBEX Workshop on Meso-scale Systems in Meiyu/Baiu Front and
its Hydrological Cycle. 7-11 December 2001, Kunming,
China. 175-178.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Yoshiaki Murakami and Takao Takeda, 2001:
Diurnal variation of cloud clusters over the China Continent during
HUBEX IOP. The Third GAME-HUBEX Workshop on Meso-scale Systems in
Meiyu/Baiu Front and its Hydrological Cycle. 7-11 December 2001,
Kunming, China. 93-96.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Atsushi Sakakibara, 2001:
simulation of the squall line observed over the China Continent during
HUBEX IOP in 1998. The Third GAME-HUBEX Workshop on Meso-scale
Systems in Meiyu/Baiu Front and its Hydrological Cycle. 7-11
December 2001, Kunming, China. 62-65.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Atsushi Sakakibara, 2001:
experiment of squall line observed in the Huaihe River Basin, China.
The Fifth International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME ,
October 3-5, 2001, Nagoya, Japan.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki , Atsushi Sakakibara and Nobuhiko Kamiya, 2001:
Parallel Computing of Cloud Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS) for
Simulation Experiment of Severe Storms. The 3rd International
Workshop on Next Generation Climate Models for Advanced High Performance
Computing Facilities. March 28-30, 2001, Tokyo, Japan.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Atsushi Sakakibara, 2000:
CReSS. SC2000
High Performance Networking and Computing Conference. November
4-10, 2000, Dallas, Texas, USA.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Biao Geng and Takao Takeda , 2000:
Doppler Radar Analysis of a Squall Line Observed over the China
Continent during the HUBEX Intensive Field Observation.
International GAME/HUBEX Workshop, Sapporo 2000 , 12-14 September
2000, Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University,
Sapporo, Japan.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Atsushi Sakakibara and Nobuhiko Kamiya:
Parallel Computing of High Resolution Cloud Model :
Present Status
and Future Plan. The 2nd International Workshop on Next Generation
Climate Models for Advanced High Performance Computing Facilities.
23-25 February 2000, Toulouse, France.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Biao Geng and Takao Takeda:
Structure of the
Squall Line Observed over the Continent during the HUBEX IFO.
Workshop on Meso-scale Systems in Meiyu/Baiu Front and Hydrological
Cycle. 6-9 November 1999 Xi'an, China.
- Ding Yihui, Zhang Wenjian, Zhang Yan, Takao Takeda, Biao Geng,
Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Hiroshi Uyeda, Yasushi Fujiyoshi, Kenji Tanaka, and
Kuranoshin Katoh} Overview of the GAME/HUBEX Intensive Observation in
1998. Third International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy
and Water Cycle , 16-19 June 1999, Beijing, China.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki:
Mesoscale Snow Storms in Winter Polar Air
Streams over the Sea of Japan. Symposium on the Precipitation
Observation from Non-Sun Synchronous Orbit 14-16 December 1998,
Nagoya University Symposion Hall, Nagoya, Japan.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki:
Numerical simulation of Labrador polar low
formed off the east coast of Canada. International Symposium on
Environmental Research in the Arctic , 19-21 July 1995. National
Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo Japan
- Tomio Asai and Kazuhisa Tsuboki :
IAMAP poster
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Tomio Asai :
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Tomio Asai :
- Tomio Asai Masayuki Kawashima and Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 1992:
Doppler radar observation of a convective cloud cluster associated with
Baiu Front:
Kinetic and radar-echo structures, and retrieval of
thermodynamic variables. Int. Symp. on Torrential rain and flood
, 5-9, October 1992, Huangshan, Anhui, China.
- Tomio Asai and Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 1992:
Numerical experiments of
mesoscale cyclone over the western Japan Sea in winter monsoon air
streams. Int. Symp. on Asian Monsoon , 21-25 September 1992,
Tsukuba, Japan.
- Tomio Asai, Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Masanori Yoshizaki,1992:
rainfall during rainy season (Baiu) in Japan. Int. Symp. on Asian
Monsoon , 21-25 September 1992, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Tomio Asai 1991:
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, Y. Fujiyoshi and G. Wakahama 1988:
Radar Observation of Convergence Band Cloud Formed on the West Coast of
Hokkaido Island, Japan. 10th International Cloud Physics Conferrence,
Bad Homburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August, 1988.