[English] 博士論文要旨(尾上 万里子)

Characteristics of Precipitation Particle Distribution in Convective Cells around Okinawa Island during the Baiu Period

Mariko OUE

Atmospheric boundary layer functions to carry and store water vapor, which is important for the initiation and development of the deep cumulus convection. Although extensive studies of the convective boundary layer have been conducted for the humid tropical oceans and the relatively dry plains of North America, few studies were conducted for the humid terrestrial area characterized by the small Bowen ratio and strong diurnal variation of large surface fluxes. The purpose of this study is to clarify the development of the dry convective boundary layer and cumulus boundary layer over a humid terrestrial area, the Huaihe River Basin in China.

Convective cells with low echo-top heights are commonly observed in the humid environments typical of the Baiu season around Okinawa Island. Representative convective cells with low echo-top heights include convective cells in the stratiform and convective rain zones accompanying a precipitation system, as well as isolated convective cells. In recent years, a few studies have reported the convective cells in stratiform rain zones as one of the characteristic convective cell in the humid environments. The precipitation particle distribution and precipitation formation process for these convective cells have not been revealed. The purpose of this study is to clarify distributions of precipitation particles in convective cells, with low echo-top height, developing in a humid environment. We analyzed polarimetric radar variables and ground-based raindrop size distribution (DSD) and estimated DSD parameters for convective cells with low echo-top heights around Okinawa Island during the Baiu period of 2006, using a C-band polarimetric radar and a disdrometer.

First, precipitation particle distribution was analyzed for a convective cell in a stratiform rain zone and a convective cell in a convective rain zone, with 30-dBZ echo top less than 6 km above sea level (ASL), associated with a Baiu frontal rainband. The two convective cells were observed by range height indicators (RHIs) of the radar when they passed over the disdrometer. For the convective cell in the stratiform rain zone, analyses of polarimetric radar variables, differential reflectivity (ZDR) and correlation coefficient (ρhv), in an RHI showed that small raindrops predominated in the convective cells below 0°C altitude; ZDR was smaller than 1.5 dB, and ρhv was greater than 0.98, with large radar reflectivity (Zh) below about 3 km ASL. The ground-based DSD showed high number ber densities of smaller raindrops (1-2 mm in diameter), with few raindrops exceeding 3 mm in diameter. On the other hand, for the convective cells in the convective rain zone, large raindrops contributed to the large radar reflectivity; ZDR greater than 1.5 dB and ρhv smaller than 0.98 predominated, with large Zh greater than 40 dBZ in an RHI below 3 km ASL. The peak of ZDR value were shown particularly below 2 km ASL. The ground-based DSD showed large numbers of raindrops exceeding 3 mm in diameter.

To investigated variations in DSD characteristics with time and height, median volume diameter (D0) and normalized intercept parameter (Nw) were estimated for cell lifetime using plan position indicator (PPI) volume scan data. For detailed analyses of time variations, we selected three convective calls, with 30-dBZ echo-top heights less than 6 km ASL, developing over the sea and observed by PPI volume scanning for their lifetimes (a convective cell in the stratiform rain zone of the Baiu frontal rainband, a convective cell in the convective rain zone of the rainband, and an isolated convective cell developing to the south of the Baiu front). To examine DSD characteristics contributing to Zh, the estimated DSD parameters from range bin data of PPIs in a rain region were averaged every 5 dB in Zh. For the convective cell in the stratiform rain zone in the mature stage, the estimated D0 was approximately 1.5 mm with Zh of 45-50 dBZ and did not reach 2 mm even when Zh approached a large value of 50 dBZ; the estimated Nw ranged from 32000 to 100000 mm-1 m-3. This indicates that a high number-concentration of small raindrops contributed to large Zh for the convective cell in the stratiform rain zone. For the convective cell in the convective rain zone in the mature stage, the estimated D0 was approximately 2 mm with Zh of 40-45 dBZ; the estimated Nw ranged from 1000 to 10000 mm-1 m-3. This indicates that large raindrops contributed to large Zh for the convective cell in the convective rain zone. For the isolated convective cell in the mature stage, D0 was estimated to be approximately 2 mm with Zh of 40-50 dBZ; the estimated Nw ranged from 1000 to 10000 mm-1 m-3. This indicates that large raindrops contributed to large Zh for the isolated convective cell. Analyses of variations in the estimated D0 and Nw within cell lifetimes indicated that the D0 values for a given Zh for the convective cell in the convective rain zone and for the isolated convective cell were larger than those for the convective cell in the stratiform rain zone at any given time. The Nw values for the convective cell in the stratiform rain zone were larger than those for the other two cases at any given time.

From variations of vertical structure of the radar-estimated D0 and Nw with convective lifetime, we suggested conceivable formation process of raindrops in each of the convective cells. For the convective cell in the stratiform rain zone, a high numberconcentration of small raindrops contributed to the increase in Zh. In the convective cell in the convective rain zone and the isolated convective cell, large raindrops contributed to the increase in Zh and raindrop coalescence processes were predominant at altitudes below 2 km ASL. The significance of these D0 and Nw characteristics was confirmed for 25 cells in the stratiform rain zone, for 28 cells in the convective rain zone, for 14 isolated convective cells from the estimated D0 and Nw for a given Zh using PPI volume scan data.






2006年6月梅雨期における沖縄観測による偏波レーダーデータとディスドロメータデータを解析して、対流セル内の降水粒子の空間分布、雨滴粒径分布(DSD)を明らかにし、DSDパラメータを見積もった。まず、梅雨前線に伴う降水システム内の層状性降水域に存在した対流セルと対流性降水域に存在した対流セルの解析を行った。両者とも、30dBZのエコー頂高度は6 km以下と低かったが、レーダー反射強度(Zh)および地上の降水強度は大きかった。レーダーのRHI(range height indicator)観測による偏波パラメータの解析では、層状性降水域の対流セルの高度およそ3 kmの下層は、多数の小粒径の雨滴が存在して大きいZhとなっていた。ディスドロメータ観測による地上DSDの解析によると、この対流セルによる地上の降水は、多数の直径1 mmから2 mmの小粒径の雨滴によってもたらされていた。一方、対流性降水域に存在していた対流セルについては、RHIによる偏波パラメータの解析から、高度3 kmの下層は、大粒の雨滴が存在し大きいZhとなっていた。DSDの解析によると、地上の降水は直径3 mm以上の雨滴によってもたらされていた。

梅雨期沖縄域に特徴的な背の低い対流セル(30 dBZのエコー頂が6 km以下)である、対流性降水域で発達する対流セルや層状性降水域で発達する対流セルおよび孤立した対流セル について、レーダーのPPI(plan position indicator)観測による偏波パラメータを用いて、DSDパラメータ(粒径の中央値,D0とDSD関数の切片, Nw)の見積もりを試みた。最盛期の層状性降水域の対流セルでは、Zhの値が45 dBZから50 dBZにおいて偏波パラメータから見積もったD0がおよそ1.5 mmの平均値を示した。Nwは対数平均で32,000100,000 mm-1 m-3であった。 一方、最盛期の対流性降水域の対流セルでは、40<Zh<50 dBZでD0の平均値がおよそ2 mm、Nwは対数平均で100010,000 mm-1 m-3であった。最盛期の孤立対流セルでは、40<Zh<50 dBZでD0の平均値がおよそ2 mm、Nwは対数平均で100010,000 mm-1 m-3であった。最盛期以外で比較しても、対流性降水域の対流セルと孤立対流セルのD0は、層状性降水域の対流セルについて見積もられたD0よりも大きい値を示し、Nwは小さい値を示した。これは、層状性降水域の対流セルでは、そのライフを通して数密度の大きい小粒径の雨滴がZhに寄与したことを示し、対流性降水域の対流セルと孤立対流セルでは、数密度は小さいが大粒径の雨滴がZhに寄与したことを示す。



