[English] 博士論文要旨(茂木 耕作)

Study on Multiscale Structures and Formation Mechanisms of
Precipitation Systems over the East China Sea during the Baiu Season

Qoosaku MOTEKI

This study is a clarification of the multiscale structures and the formation mechanisms of precipitation systems over the East China Sea during the Baiu season. To understand the multiscale structures and the formation mechanisms of the precipitation systems, a case involving two merged rainbands on 27 June 1999 was selected. This case was favorable for studying the multiscale structures and the formation mechanisms of the precipitation systems because it was present in an oceanic area of dual Doppler radar observation for a long time and was reproduced very well by a 5 km-resolution non-hydrostatic model (5 km-NHM). The meso-β-scale structure and development of the two rainbands were investigated by dual Doppler analyses. A southern rainband called LINE1 formed in a southwesterly wind field associated with a weak convergence line in a layer of 1-2 km. A northern rainband called LINE2 formed along the Baiu front. LINE2 moved southeastward and merged into the quasi-stationary LINE1. As the merging occurred, LINE1 developed rapidly resulting from an intensification of the low-level convergence. The intensification of the convergence in LINE1 was attributed to a combination with a strong convergence in the Baiu front. Numerical simulations with the 5km-NHM revealed the features of the weak convergence line along LINE1. The weak convergence line along LINE1 in the southwesterly wind field had a large water vapor gradient in a layer of 0.5-1.5 km. In this study, the line with a large water vapor gradient distinct from the Baiu front is called a ``water vapor front.'' The meso-β-scale analyses showed that two distinct fronts without any land effects existed in the Baiu frontal region: the ``water vapor front'' (LINE1) and the Baiu front (LINE2).

In the meso-α-scale field simulated with the 5km-NHM, the cause of the merging of the two fronts is investigated. In a synoptic-scale cold air mass to the north of the Baiu front, a meso-α-scale cold pool formed in a stratiform precipitation region. The cold pool expanded to the south and rapidly pushed the Baiu front about 50 km southward in 2 hours. A sensitivity experiment confirmed that the cold pool was created by an evaporation cooling of raindrops. The experiment revealed that the cold pool continuously accelerated the northerly winds and intensified the low-level convergence along the Baiu front. To the south of the Baiu front, the meso-α-scale analysis with the 5km-NHM revealed the following. Over the East China Sea, oceanic and continental moist air masses contributed to the moisture supply of the two fronts. The ``water vapor front'' is a convergence line along the boundary of the oceanic and continental moist air masses. Because an abundant moisture supply with the oceanic airflow was blocked by the continental airflow at the ``water vapor front,'' the rainfall intensity was quite weak along the western part of the Baiu front. On the contrary, because the low-level convergence of the eastern part of the ``water vapor front'' was quite weak, the oceanic air partially advected into the eastern part of the Baiu front, and LINE2 developed strongly.

The analysis of the synoptic-scale field simulated with a 20 km- resolution regional spectral model (RSM) revealed the behaviors of the Baiu front and the ``water vapor front'' in the whole region of the East China Sea. In the RSM-simulated synoptic-scale field, the ``water vapor front'' extended with a length of about 1000 km to the south of the Baiu front over the East China Sea. In the RSM-simulated fields, the ``water vapor front'' originated in the coastal zone of China continent. It was suggested that the formation of the convergence of the ``water vapor front'' was associated with the eastward motion of a meso-α-scale cyclone. The formation of the ``water vapor front'' could be associated with an eastward motion of a meso-α-scale cyclone from China continent to the East China Sea.

The results of this study indicated that a ``water vapor front'' forming a rainband to the south of the Baiu front over the East China Sea. The ``water vapor front'' is a convergence line along a boundary of oceanic and continental moist air masses. The two rainbands analyzed in this study were generated in a synoptic situation, which was frequently observed during the Baiu season. The multiscale structures and the formation mechanisms of the precipitation systems clarified in this study could be applied to other cases over the East China Sea. This study propose that a hierarchy of the Baiu frontal rainfall distributions over the East China Sea depends heavily on an inhomogeneousness of moisture supply from the south. Over the East China Sea, both the continental and oceanic moist air masses could be important for the formation of precipitation systems.










本研究で示した降水系の形成機構及び階層構造は、注目した降水系が梅雨期全 体を通して一般的に見られる大気条件下で発生した事例であったことから、梅雨 期の東シナ海において普遍的に起こり得ると考えられる。本研究は、中国大陸と 日本にもたらされる梅雨期の降水に関する理解をつなぐための示唆として、東シ ナ海では大陸性及び海洋性の2種類の湿潤気塊が梅雨期の降水系を形成するため に重要な役割を持つことを示したものである。
