現在、CReSSはVersion 3.4.3mがソースコードレベルから公開されており、国内外を問わず誰でも利用することができる。
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki, 2008:
High-Resolution Simulations of High-Impact Weather Systems Using the Cloud-Resolving Model on the Earth Simulator.
High Resolution Numerical Modelling of the Atmosphere and Ocean, Hamilton, Kevin; Ohfuchi, Wataru (Eds.), Springer New York, 141-156.
坪木和久, 2008:
雲解像気象シミュレーション. 「地文台によるサイエンス」極限エネルギー宇宙物理から地球科学まで, 梶野文義・佐藤文隆・村木綏・戎崎俊一編, 183−191.
Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Atsushi Sakakibara, 2007:
Numerical prediction of high-impact weather systems.
The Textbook for Seventeenth IHP Training Course in 2007, 281pp.
坪木和久, 2007:
1kmメッシュの気象学. 「天気」, No. 54, Vol.10, 873−876.
- Kazuhisa Tsuboki,. 2007:
High-Resolution Simulations of High-Impact Weather Systems Using the Cloud-Resolving Model on the Earth Simulator.
High Resolution Numerical Modelling of the Atmosphere and Ocean, Hamilton, Kevin; Ohfuchi, Wataru (Eds.), Springer, 141-156.
坪木和久, 2006:
Vol.8, Special Issue 1, 39 - 53.
Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Atsushi Sakakibara, 2002:
Large-scale parallel computing of Cloud Resolving Storm Simulator.
High Performance Computing,
Springer, H. P. Zima, K. Joe, M. Sato, Y. Seo and M Shimasaki (Eds), 243--259.
Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Atsushi Sakakibara, 2001:
Cloud Resolving Storm Simulator, User's Guide, Second Edition. 210p.