修士論文要旨(神谷 明住香)


神谷 明住香


東シナ海付近で発生した対流により西日本に流れ込む大気が中層まで湿ったという報告を考慮して,感度実験では東経130度以西,北緯28度以南の大気の初期値・境界値の相対湿度を,鉛直全層,中層 (高度2-5 km),下層 (高度0-2 km) でそれぞれ-10%から10%変化させた.また,西日本を始点とした後方流跡線解析により示された経路から東シナ海に至る経路の一つを選び,その経路上での水収支解析を行った.

再現実験で事例の降水を再現できていた7月4日15時 (世界標準時) から7月5日15時の降水分布と降水量について感度実験と再現実験を比較すると,風上側の下層水蒸気を減少させた(増加させた)実験では,再現実験と比べて西日本の降水量が概ね減少していた(増加していた).一方で,中層水蒸気を変化させた実験では再現実験と似た降水分布を示しており,降水量の顕著な変化は見られなかった.






While one of environmental condition related to extreme rainfall is that the atmosphere is deep moist, the previous study pointed out that not only the amount of precipitable water but also the vertical profile of water vapor is important.

From July 5th to 7th, 2018, an extreme rainfall occurred in western Japan. It is called the heavy rain event of July 2018 in Japan. When the event occurred, the moist lower- and middle-layer air due to influence of convective activity over the East China Sea (ECS) was flowing into western Japan. The purpose of this study is to clarify the impacts of the vertical profile of water vapor in the upstream region on the heavy rain event of July 2018 in Japan. So, this study conducted a reproduction experiment of the event and sensitivity experiments that the relative humidity for each altitude of the air over the ECS are changed using Cloud Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS) and investigated variations of precipitation and horizontal distribution of precipitation in western Japan. In addition, this study investigated variations of vertical profiles of water vapor of the air mass moving from the upstream region to the precipitation area using back trajectory analysis.

In the sensitivity experiments, the relative humidity of the initial and boundary values over the ECS are changed from -10% to 10% in all vertical layer, middle layer (altitude 2-5 km), lower layer (altitude 0-2 km), respectively. In addition, one of the paths from western Japan to the ECS showed by the back trajectory analysis was selected, and the water balance analysis was performed on the path.

omparing sensitivity experiments with the reproduction experiment on the precipitation on July 5 when the rainfall event is reproduced successfully, the experiment to decrease (increase) the amount of water vapor in lower layer on the upstream region showed that precipitation in the analysis area is decreased (increased). On the other hand, the experiments to change the amount of water vapor in middle layer are showed no significant change in precipitation compared with the reproduction experiment.
As a result of the water balance analysis on the path by back trajectory analysis, the air masses of the experiments to decrease the amount of water vapor in lower layer and total layer are dryer than the reproduction experiment though the latent heat flux on the path was larger. On the other hand, the amount of precipitable water on the path of the experiment to decrease the amount of water vapor in middle layer increased and changed to the same as value of the reproduction experiment. In the experiments to increase the amount of water vapor, precipitation occurred on the path and caused a decrease in precipitable water. In the experiments, the convective activities on the path occurred.