修士論文要旨(酒井 貴紘)


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2013 年5 月から 7 月にかけて西太平洋熱帯域に位置するパラオ共和国において、集中観測 Pacific Area Long-term Atmospheric observations for Understanding of climate change (PALAU2013)が実施された。集中観測期間である 6 月25 日から6 月26 日にかけて、西部北太平洋のモンスーンオンセットに伴うモンスーン合流域の下層収束によって発生したクラウドクラスターがレーダ観測範囲を通過した。このモンスーンオンセットに伴って、下層南西風、上層北東風の南西向きの鉛直シアー場が形成され、上層の巻雲は南西に移流し、下層の対流雲および対流バンドは北東進していた。

このクラウドクラスターの地上降水量がピーク時の降水の特徴を示す。降水量のピークの時間帯は25 日 18 UTC ~ 26 日 09 UTC であった。25 日18 UTC ~ 26 日 01 UTC では、15 dBZ と 30 dBZ のそれぞれで定義されたエコー頂が相対的に高く、降水強度も強かった。この時間帯は、主に対流性の降水によって、降水がもたらされた(時間帯I)。 次の26 日01 UTC ~ 26 日 09 UTC では、エコー頂が相対的に低く、降水強度も弱かった。また、15 dBZ で定義された高度 2 km 面のエコー面積が大きく、主に層状性の降水によって降水がもたらされた(時間帯II)。また、この時間帯は、240K の輝度温度で定義された上層の雲域がパラオ上空にかかっている時間帯に対応していた。





Precipitation Formation Process in a Sheared Environment Observed in Summer Monsoon Season in the Western North Pacific

Takahiro Sakai

In the summer monsoon region of the western North Pacific Ocean, the sea surface temperature (SST) is higher than 29 ℃, which is the highest SST on the earth. This makes convections active in this region. Consequently, precipitation is larger than other tropical oceans. In particular, a cloud cluster, including deep moist convections, brings a large amount of precipitation. Therefore, it is important to understand, characteristics of the cloud cluster and its precipitation formation process. In the present study, we used two X-band Doppler radars to observe a cloud cluster in the region. The purpose of the present study is to reveal characteristics of the precipitation associated with a cloud cluster in summer monsoon season in the western North Pacific. Moreover, we studied the precipitation formation process in conjunction with the internal structure of the cloud cluster.

An intensive observation of Pacific Area Long-term Atmospheric observations for Understanding of climate change (PALAU2013) was carried out in the Republic of Palau in the western North Pacific from May to July 2013. During the period, a monsoon onset which is defined by the lower level southwesterly and the upper level northeasterly occurred around 25 June. A cloud cluster was caused by lower convergence in the monsoon confluence region and passed the radar observation area from 25 to 26 June. Owing to the vertical wind shear, the upper level cloud moved to the southwest and lower level convective clouds and convective bands moved to the northeast.

The precipitation peak of the cloud cluster is characterized as follows. The precipitation peak was observed in the period from 18 UTC, 25 June to 09 UTC, 26 June. Echo top heights defined by 15 dBZ and 30 dBZ were high and maximum precipitation intensity was high from 18 UTC, 25 June to 01 UTC, 26 June (Period I). During this period, heavy convective precipitation occurred. On the other hand, echo top height was low and maximum precipitation intensity was also low from 01 UTC, 26 June to 09 UTC, 26 June (Period II). Whereas, echo area defined by 15 dBZ at 2 km height was large due to a stratiform precipitation occurred. The upper clouds defined by 240 K passed over the radar observation area during Period II.

We discuss the precipitation formation processes associated with the cloud cluster. In Period I,CAPE is large and convective precipitation occurred. The precipitation was not caused by a tropical squall line system but multiple convection bands and convective region moved northeastward. In Period II, CAPE was small and, convective precipitation is not so much observed. However, stratiform precipitation occurred. The stratifom region advected from northeast according to the movement of the upper cloud region. And the stratiform precipitation may be caused by lower convergence in the monsoon confluence region.

Amounts of rainfall were almost the same in Periods I and II. In Period I, echo area was small and strong precipitation was observed. On the other hand, echo area was large and precipitation was weak during Period II.