修士論文要旨(小林 哲也)


小林 哲也

 2012 年9 月18 日1500 JST すぎ、三重県いなべ市でフジタスケールでF0 の竜巻が発生した。本研究では、この竜巻をいなべ竜巻と呼ぶ。いなべ竜巻の親雲は、日本でしばしば竜巻が発生する、湿潤な環境場で発達した。この研究の目的は、いなべ竜巻の事例解析を通して、日本の湿潤な環境場で発生した竜巻とその親雲の特徴を明らかにすることである。特に、竜巻の形成に関係すると考えられる、親雲内の渦構造と発達過程に注目した解析を行った。

渦構造の解析には、東海地方に設置されている3 機のX バンドMP レーダを用いた。加えて、親雲が発生、発達した環境場を理解するために、気象庁メソ客観解析データ(MANAL)と高層気象観測データを用いた。

MANAL データと高層気象観測データを用いた解析から、いなべ竜巻の親雲の環境場は、乾燥気塊の流入の無い湿潤な環境場であることがわかった。また、下層の鉛直シアーが大きく、0-3 km で計算されたストームに相対的なヘリシティが、スーパーセルの発達の為の下限値を超えていた。さらに、CAPE が大きい、スーパーセル型のストームが発達しやすい不安定な環境場であることがわかった。

国交省レーダのPPI スキャンのドップラー速度場では、いなべ竜巻の親雲内に比較的長時間持続するメソサイクロンを検出した。メソサイクロンは、1500 JST すぎに竜巻被害域付近の上空を通過し、通過時刻はいなべ竜巻が発生した時刻に対応していた。親雲のレーダエコーの構造は、フックエコーやオーバーハングエコーの下に広がる弱い反射強度領域で特徴付けられた。デュアルドップラーレーダ解析から得られた3 次元気流場においては、上昇流域と強い鉛直渦度の領域が約1 時間持続して一致しており、メソサイクロンの寿命と一致した。以上のことから、いなべ竜巻はスーパーセル型の竜巻であったことがわかった。

いなべ竜巻の親雲に見られた他の特徴としては、竜巻発生時刻の約30 分前から、メソサイクロンの南東に低気圧性回転の渦と高気圧性回転の渦の渦対を検出した。この渦対は、スーパーセル後方の下降流によるoutflow とinflow によるガストフロント上の水平渦の立ち上げによって形成された渦管を捉えたものと考えられる。この渦対のうち、低気圧性回転の渦がメソサイクロン内に移流し、渦径が1.0 km 程度のマイソサイクロンがメソサイクロン内に形成された。マイソサイクロンは、竜巻発生時刻直前に最も深く発達し、下層で渦が強化されたのちに、竜巻被害域上空をマイソサイクロンが通過した。いなべ竜巻は、このマイソサイクロンによって局所的に強化された上昇流により、地表付近の鉛直渦が引き伸ばされることで形成されたと考えられる。

本研究では、いなべ竜巻の親雲の構造や環境場を、北米乾燥域で観測される典型的なスーパーセルや日本における他のスーパーセルの観測結果と比較した。いなべ竜巻の親雲は、いくつか典型的なスーパーセルに似た特徴をもっていたが、弱い下降流 (弱いoutflow) や弱いinflow、メソサイクロンやマイソサイクロンの深さが浅いことなど、典型的なスーパーセルとは異なる特徴を持っていた。




Climatology of Environmental Control on Tropical Cyclone Maximum Intensity in Present and Future Climates.


A tornado struck Inabe City, central Japan, on the evening of 18 September 2012. This event is referred to as ‘Inabe tornado’ in this study. The parent storm of the Inabe tornado developed in the humid environment in which tornadoes occur occasionally in Japan. The purpose of this study is to reveal some of characteristics of a tornado and its parent storm in the humid environment in Japan, by a case study of the Inabe tornado. Especially, this study focused on the vortex structure and the development process of the parent storm.

To accomplish this purpose, three X-band polarimetric radars that are situated around Inabe city were used in this study. In addition, to understand the generation and development environment of the parent storm, the Japan Meteorological Agency mesoscale objective analysis (MANAL) data and upper-air observation data were used.

By using MANAL data and upper-air observation data, the environment of the parent storm of the Inabe tornado was characterized by humid environment without inflow of dry air, large low-level vertical wind shear, large storm-relative helicity (> 150 m2 s-2) calculated from surface to 3 km and medium CAPE (> 1000 J kg-1), which are favorite for the generation and development of supercell type storm.

A relatively long lived mesocyclone was identified within the parent storm of the Inabe tornado by using Doppler velocity data of PPI scans. The mesocyclone passed close to the damage track of the Inabe tornado several minutes after 15 JST, which corresponds to the occurrence time of the Inabe tornado. The morphology of radar echo of the parent storm was characterized by a hook echo, weak-echo region under an overhang echo, which were similar to typical supercells in the Great Plains. Three dimensional wind data of dual Doppler radar analysis was showed that the spatial collocation between strong updraft region and large vertical vorticity region persisted for about 1 hour: consistent lifetime with the mesocyclone. Consequently, it is revealed that the Inabe tornado originated from a supercell storm containing a mesocyclone. However, depths of the mesocyclone and the vault structure were shallow compared with typical supercells. Dual Doppler radar analysis revealed that the maximum vertical velocity and the height of it were much smaller and lower than those of typical supercells.

As other features of the parent storm of the Inabe tornado, a pair of an anticyclonic vortex and a cyclonic vortex was detected in the rear flank of the parent storm about 30 minute before the occurrence time of the Inabe tornado. Dual Doppler radar analysis suggests that this vortex pair was produced by the tilting of the horizontal vorticity associated with a rear-flank downdraft. Just before the occurrence time of the Inabe tornado, another smaller scale cyclonic vortex, which was referred to as “misocyclone”, was detected within adjacent to the mesocyclone of the parent storm of the Inabe tornado. Corresponding to the development of the misocyclone, a Descending Reflectivity Core (DRC) was observed. The DRC was located between the pair of anticyclonic vortex and cyclonic vortex.

This study compared characteristics of the environment and the structure of the parent storm of the Inabe tornado with typical supercells and other severe storms in Japan. The parent storm of the Inabe tornado had some similar features to typical supercells in the Great Plains, such as a hook echo, weak-echo region and the spatial collocation between strong updraft region and large vertical vorticity region. On the other hand, the parent storm had different features from typical supercells, such as a weak downdraft (weak outflow), a weak inflow, and the shallow depth of the meso- and miso-cyclone, which are similar to supercell-like storms (e.g. miniature supercell) that developed in the humid environment in Japan.

From results of the radar data analysis, as well as detailed analysis of environment, this study could show the formation mechanism of a weak tornado in the humid environment in Japan. In other words, it was revealed that the supercell which developed in the humid environment tends to provide a weak tornado (F0-1).

This study about the parent storm of the Inabe tornado showed a unique example of the detail structure of a supercell and the formation mechanism of a weak tornado in the humid environment in Japan by using three X-band polarimetric radars. Then, the result of this study would lead us to accumulate more case studies by using high resolution radar networks, such as phased array radars, to understand general features of a supercell and a tornado which generate and develop in the humid environment in Japan. In addition, the result of this study would make an impact for high resolution numerical experiments of tornadic storms in Japan.