修士論文要旨(野村 真奈美)


野村 真奈美

梅雨初期に東シナ海上で発生する、線状降水システムの構造とその維持機構を決 める要因を明らかにするために、戦略的創造研究「湿潤・乾燥大気境界層の降水 システムに与える影響の解明と降水予測精度の向上」プロジェクトの観測期間中 である、2003年5月25日に沖縄島周辺で観測された線状降水システムについて、 デュアルドップラーレーダー解析および気象庁メソ領域客観解析データ(MANAL) を用いて、構造と維持過程を調べた。

2003年5月24日19時頃、沖縄島の北西約300 kmで発生した線状降水システムは、 南西−北東の走向をもち、最盛期には長さ300 kmに達した。線状降水システムの 進行方向前方に幅60 km程の層状域、後方に幅30 kmの対流域がみられた。システ ムは4.7 m/sで南東進し、発生から消滅まで約24時間と長時間に渡り線状構造を 維持していた。25日05時30分から06時30分にかけて沖縄島を通過し、通過後には 島にかかった部分で線状構造を維持できなくなった。通過5時間後の11時頃には 南西−北東方向に再び線状構造が維持されるようになった。

システムが沖縄島を通過する前の総観場の特徴は、ほぼ全層湿潤であった。通過 前の対流域では、高度1 km以下でシステムの進行方向前面からの南西風と後面の 西風が収束し、反射強度のコアの並ぶ南西−北東方向に収束線がのびていた。反 射強度のコアは常に高度2 km以下の下層にみられた。対流域のエコー頂は南西側 では高度9 kmを越え、北東側では高度6〜7 kmで、北東側ほどエコー頂が低かっ た。反射強度18 dBZeのエコー頂でみると、高度7 kmを越える背の高い対流セル と、高度5 km以下の背の低い対流セルがシステムに平行に200〜300 kmの長さで 並んでいた。これらの対流セルは高度1 km以下の収束線上で発生していた。下層 の収束線上で進行方向前方(南東)からの湿潤な空気が上昇し、高度1km以下の進 行方向前方の流入が持続していた。背の高い対流セルでは、高度7 km以下でシス テムの進行方向前方(南東)に形成される下降流が最下層まで達しないなかった。 背の低い対流セルでは、高度1.5〜2.5 kmでの一般(南西)風の風下(北東)側に下 降流が形成されていた。また、反射強度18 dBZeのエコー頂でみると高度7 kmを 越える対流がシステムに直交する方向に30 km程の長さで並んでいた。これらの 対流は、収束線上で発生した背の高い対流セルの南東側で発生していた。背の高 い対流セルからの下降流と進行方向前方からの空気が高度2〜4 km付近で収束し、 前方からの湿潤な空気が上昇していた。対流セルの発生後、高度3 km以下では反 射強度のコア付近で下降流が最下層まで達し、システムに平行に並ぶ対流セルよ りも早く衰退していた。

通過後は、通過前にみられた下層の収束線が消失して、高度1 km〜3 kmでは南南 西風が卓越していた。対流域での反射強度のコアの高度とエコー頂が通過前より も1〜2 kmほど高くなっていた。対流域の沖縄島を通過した部分では個々の対流 セルは散在し、背の低い対流セルは発生していなかった。対流セルは、高度3 km〜 4 km付近でシステムの進行方向前方からの南東風と後方からの西風の収束がみら れ、高度3 km付近で前方から流入する空気が上昇していた。対流セル発生後、高 度4 km以下で反射強度のコア付近に下降流が形成され、下降流は最下層まで達し 発散していた。

沖縄島通過前後での対流域の構造変化を調べた結果、下層の収束線が消失するの に伴い、通過前にみられたシステムに平行に並ぶ対流は発生しなくなり、対流域 は線状構造を維持できなくなっていたことがわかった。構造変化の原因として、 地形の影響により下層で進行方向後方の西風が遮られ、高度1 km以下の風向が変 化し収束が消失したことで、収束線上で対流セルが発生しなくなったことが考え られる。また、通過後には背の低い対流セルは発生していないことから、背の低 い対流セルは、線状降水システムの対流域を構成するために必要な要素であると いえる。さらに、今回注目した進行方向前方に層状域、後方に対流域をもつ線状 降水システムは、梅雨初期に東シナ海上で発生する線状降水システムの特徴であ り、対流域・層状域から進行方向前方へ流出する下降流が最下層まで達しないた めに、対流域への進行方向前方からの湿潤な空気の流入は維持され、対流域は維 持されていたと考えられる。本研究では、梅雨初期に東シナ海上で発生した線状 降水システムは、対流域への水蒸気供給が維持され自己維持できるシステムであ るということを明らかにした。



Structure and Maintenance Process of a Rainband
over the East China Sea during the Early Baiu Season


The purpose of this study is to clarify maintainance mechanisms of rainbands over the East China Sea during the Early Baiu Season. Structures and maintainance processes of a rainband, whose structure changed before and after passing Okinawa island on 25 May during a field experiment of CREST (Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology)/LAPS (Lower Atmospheric and Precipitation Study) in 2003, were investigated with dual Doppler radar analysis and Japan Meteorological Agency Meso Regional Objective Analysis (MANAL) data.

The rainband extended from the southwest to the northeast with the length of 300 km. The stratiform region was ahead of the system movement with the width of 60 km and the convective region was in the northwest side of the system with the width of 30 km. The system was generated over the East China Sea 300 km to the northwest Okinawa island around 1930 JST 24 May 2003. The system moved southeastward with the speed of 4.7 m/s and passed Okinawa island from 0530 JST to 0630 JST on 25 May. After the movement of 150 km southeastward from Okinawa island, the rainband disappeared around 2000 JST 25 May. The atmosphere ahead of the system was all layers almost saturated below 400 hPa before the system passed Okinawa island. After the system passed Okinawa island, the line structure was not able to maintain only in the part of the convective region which passed Okinawa island, and scattered convective cells existed in the east side of Okinawa island. However, the convective region elongated from the southwest to the northeast again after five hours of the passeage.

Before passing Okinawa island, the south-southwesterly wind ahead of the system movement and the westerly wind behind the system movement converged below 2 km in altitude. The convergence line extended from the southwest to the northeast. The height of the reflectivity in the convective region core was always in the lower layer below 2 km in altitude. The echo top height was 9 km in the southwest side and was 6〜 7 km in the northeast side. The convective region was composed of convective cells. The deep convective cells whose maximum echo height of 18 dBZe was over 7 km and the shallow convective cells whose maximum echo height was under 5km extended from the southwest to the northeast with the length of 200〜300 km. They were generated along the convergence line and the maximum longevity was 100 minutes. The deep convective cells whose maximum echo height of 18 dBZe was over 7 km formed short convective line with length of 30 km extended from the northwest to the southeast. They were generated on the southeast side of deep convective cells which generated along the convergence line, and the maximum longevity was 30 minutes. In both of the deep and shallow convective cell which were one of the convective cells pararell to the system, the moist air from the southeast was lifted along the convergence line and the inflow from the southeast continued for a long time below 1 km in altitude. In the deep convective cell, the downdraft was formed on the southeast side of the core of the deep convective cell under the echo top height (7 km) and it did not reach the lowest layer. In the shallow convective cell, the downdraft was formed on the northeast side of the core of the shallow convective cell below 3 km in altitude. In the deep convective cell which were parpendicular to the system, the moist air from the southeast converged with the outflow from the deep convective cell generated along the convergence line at the altitude of 2〜4 km and the moist air from the southeast were lifted. Soon after the convective cell which was parpendicular to the system was generated, the downdraft nearby the core of the reflectivity reached the bottom of the layer and the convective cell declined faster than the convective cells which were paralell to the system.

After passing Okinawa island, the convergence line of the lower layer disappeared and the south-southwesterly wind was superior from 1 km to 3 km in altitude. In the part of the convective region which passed Okinawa island, scattered convective cells remained and the shallow convective cells were not generated. The height of the reflectivity core and the echo top height rose 1〜2 km in the convective region. The life time of the convective cells was less than 60 miniutes. In one of the convective cells, the southeastely wind converged with westerly wind at the altitude of 3〜4 km. The moist air from the southeast was lifted at 3 km in altitude. After the convective cell was generated, the downdraft from the convective cell was formed below 4 km in altitude and reached the bottom of the layer and was diverged at the lowest layer.

By the process of the structual change in the convective region before and after the passage of Okinawa island, it is found that the inflow from the southeast of the convective cells paralell to the system was maintained for a long time before it passed Okinawa island. The reason is that the downdrafts which flew out from the convective cells were formed at the position which it did not cut the inflow of the moist air from the southeast. The echo top in the convective region rose after it passed Okinawa island. It is understood that the convective region was in the developing stage. However, the part of the convective region which passed Okinawa island was not able to maintain a liner structure by accompanying the disappearance of the convergence line of the lower layer, where the convective cells were not generated along the convergence line. It can be considered that the disappearance of the convergence line was caused by the cut off of the westerly wind behind the system motion below 1 km in altitude. It is considered that the maintenance mechanisim of the convective reigion is that the convective cells generated along the convergence line of the lower layer extended from the southwest to the northeast and the inflow of the moist air from the southeast continued for a long time. Especially, shallow convective cells existed a lot on the northeast side of the convective region before it passed Okinawa island and they were not genarated after passing Okinawa island. It can be said that shallow convective cells are necessary to compose the convective region of the rainband. During the Early Baiu Season, the rainband which the stratiform region was ahead of the system movement and the convective region was behind of the system movement is a feature of rainbands generated over the East China Sea. It can be considered that the inflow of the moist air ahead of the system movement to the convective region always continued because the downdraft that flew out from the convective region and the stratiform region doesn't reach the bottom of the layer, then the system was maintained. In this research, it is clarified that the rainband generated over the East China Sea during the Early Baiu Season was self-maintaining system keeping the continuous supply of the moist air to the system.