Staffs (3)
uyeda Hiroshi UYEDA Professor
Mesoscale Meteorology, Cloud Microphysics, Radar Meteorology, Mesoscale Modeling & Simulation
uyeda Kazuhisa TSUBOKI Associate Professor
Mesoscale Meteorology, Synoptic Meteorology, Radar Meteorology, Mesoscale Modeling & Simulation
uyeda Taro SHINODA Research Associate
Mesoscale Meteorology, Cloud Microphysics, Radar Meteorology, Mesoscale Modeling & Simulation, Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Researchers (2)
kato Masaya KATO Master (Science) Mesoscale Meteorology, Synoptic Meteorology, Numerical Simulation (MM5)
uyeda Atsushi SAKAKIBARA Chuden CTI
Master (Engineering)
Development of Cloud Resolving Model (CReSS)
Students (Doctor Course) (7)
uyeda Miki HATTORI DC3
Master (Science)
Tropical and Subtropical Climatology, Year to year variation of convections
uyeda Tetsuya SANO DC3
Master (Science)
Mesoscale Meteorology, Radar Meteorology, Cumulonimbus Cloud
uyeda Mitsuharu NOMURA DC3
Master (Science)
Mesoscale Meteorology, Tropical Cyclone, Numerical Simulation (CReSS)
endo Satoshi ENDO DC2
Master (Science)
Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Wind Profiler, Numerical Simulation (CReSS)
terada Toyonori TERADA DC2
Master (Science)
Mesoscale Meteorology, Terrain-induced Rainfall, Numerical Simulation (CReSS)
Master of Philosophy
Mesoscale Meteorology, Radar Meteorology, Monsoon Meteorology
Students (Master Course) (6)
amano Tomohiro AMANO MC2 Mesoscale Meteorology, Radar Meteorology
oue Mariko OUE MC2 Mesoscale Meteorology, Cloud Microphysics
uebuse Hitoshi UEBUSE MC1
hioki Tomohito HIOKI MC1
hirabayashi Yousuke HIRABAYASHI MC1
fukamachi Yusuke FUKAMACHI MC1